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offers education on various levels in methods of somatic learning. We are looking for candidates with a professional background in teaching, therapy or the arts who wish to acquire a professional qualification in the field of somagogics.

Somagogics has established itself independently as a new discipline that is situated between pedagogy of movement and kinesitherapy.

Somagogics deals with the application and effects of well-known methods such as the Feldenkrais Method, the Alexander Technique, Eutony and Ideokinesis, as well as with Asian methods such as Yoga, Qigong and Taijiquan.

The name somagogics is derived from the Greek: the noun »soma« (body) and the verb »agein« (to lead, accompany).

We offer introductory courses that cover all the methods on a basic level as well as advanced courses that deal in depth with one specific method only.

The founder and director of the institute is Wolfgang Steinmüller, M.D.